RESET Society of Calgary
Rapid Exit from Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking
EXploitation, Intervention & Transition (EXIT) Program
The EXIT Program at RESET Society of Calgary supports women exiting sexual exploitation and trafficking through 24/7, intensive 1-1 case management, comprehensive, wrap-around non-time limited life skills programming, and two stages of supportive housing from point of intake.
If you are experiencing sexual exploitation and would like information about the EXIT Program call intake at 403-918-7311.

About RESET Society of Calgary
RESET Society of Calgary provides the only comprehensive system of services in Alberta designed specifically for women who are survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking. The EXIT Program enables girls 16+, women, and their children, to stabilize, heal, reconnect, and not only exit sexual exploitation and sex trafficking but also rebuild their lives. RESET allows women to bring their children with them from point of entry to the EXIT Program, making our program unique. Since first opening our doors 34 years ago, we have supported over 1,100 individuals in exiting sexual exploitation and trafficking. We know there is a way out.
Our Vision
Our Vision is for sexually exploited women and girls to know there is a way out.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide comprehensive individualized support and safe housing to women and girls age 16 and over exiting sexual exploitation and sex trafficking so that they may transform their lives.
The symbol of RESET Society of Calgary is the red rose, and so it is that we regard each woman who takes the first step to recovery from exploitation.
For the rose is a thing of beauty…its is also very fragile.
The rose says “embrace me”…but it’s thorns say, “stay back”.
The rose is a rose…but no two are the same.
As you come to know the “roses” within our doors, and they come to know you, you will both learn. You will find your place in the garden alongside our roses.
“I decided to come to RESET and it changed my life. I began being the person I really wanted to be. I now know how to set healthy boundaries in all of my relationships. I am starting to build a relationship with my daughter and getting her back. I’m healing and recovering everyday.”
– EXIT Program Participant
Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking in Canada
It is a common misconception that sexual exploitation and trafficking do not happen in Canada, in our communities. The reality is quite the opposite, Calgary City Council estimates that at least 3,000 individuals are working in the sex-trade in Calgary each year (CBC News-2014). By far the majority of sexual exploitation occurs online.
86% of trafficking victims in Canada are Canadian
96% of exploitation victims are women and girls
70% of trafficking victims are age 24 and under
An estimated 90-95% of exploitation happens online
What we do to help
RESET Society of Calgary provides a life line for women wanting to exit sexual exploitation and trafficking. Women wanting to exit sexual exploitation and trafficking face significant and complex barriers such as mental health, addictions, homelessness, poverty, and lack of safety and appropriate support. The EXIT Program provides an immediate safe space for exit from sexual exploitation and the risks inherently linked with it.
Safe & Secure nights were provided to women and children in the EXIT Program last year.

of women in the EXIT Program were homeless or experiencing housing instability at intake
RESET programming models evidence-based best practice holistic support to meet the immediate needs of victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking. The EXIT program model has developed over the last 34 years using a pragmatic approach of listening to the needs of Participants and what works in meeting their needs. The program as a result, is a proven, trauma informed model delivered as a continuum of services with a life skills curriculum specifically designed for women exiting sexual exploitation.
Children had mothers in the EXIT Program last year.
RESET Society of Calgary works with both pregnant and parenting women. Women in the EXIT Program are supported in re-connecting with their children, reinforcing postitive family relationships, and have access to appropriate services and referrals.
of women in the EXIT Program have issues with addiction
Substance use can be both a risk factor for sexual exploitation and trafficking, and a coping reaction to the trauma associated with exploitation. The EXIT Program provides addiction recovery and relapse prevention supports.